Thursday, March 28, 2019

Not going to lie, I've got a glass of Craftsman Organic Chardonnay literally in my hand while writing this post! But while a cheeky wine on a fine Friday evening of musing isn't out of the ordinary, a blog post giving myself a pat on the back totally is.

It's not often that I boast about my wins, especially the more trivial ones, but I'm all about breaking the stigma that giving yourself a compliment or owning your success is something that shouldn't be done.

Especially because these days, for the most part, I work in a team of one. Yep, just me.
I don't have anyone to tell me that I'm doing a good job. I'm not going to get validated with a promotion or a bonus or anything tangible that screams 'you are good at what you do!'.

So instead of doing what I usually do on a Friday as I 'clock off' by simply closing my computer and walking two steps out of my office, I'm having a wine.

And not just any old wine at that, I'm having a glass of Craftsman Organic Wine from BWS.
It's an Organic Wine, which means it's made using natural production processes that are kinder to the environment and ecologically sustainable (win!). Today, I'm having the fruity and fresh Chardonnay, but the Shiraz counterpart is also certified Organic, meaning I can trust they have less preservatives than some other wines!

So here goes, here's 10 reasons I deserve such a mindful and thoughtfully produced glass of wine this week:

1. I finished up my first month working out of my comfort zone with Bumble and my second event ended up being a complete 'sell out'!
2. I asked for a pay rise from one of my longest standing clients showing I am committed to standing my ground and getting paid what I'm worth.
3. I consistently exercised and have started to build a routine! This is HUGE for me as I've never felt motivated to prioritise exercise in my life!
4. I created content for over 10 different brands this week.
5. I had a top tier client book an even larger scope of work, and this week I executed it! All 10 outfits were shot and all 40 hi-res images shared!
6. I had not one, but two date nights with my finacé!
7. I recycled my wardrobe by hosting a sample sale and gave new life to my much-loved client pieces that I have shot but never had the chance to wear.
8. I said no to something I felt obliged to do, but didn't want to.
9. I got my screen time down by 20%.
10. I found the perfect dress to wear to my engagement party this week!